Terms & Conditions
This Service Agreement becomes effective on the date of signing (the “Effective Date”) and is made between Acera Travel / Itinerantly Inspired , LLC (referred to as the “Advisor,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) and the individual signing the agreement (referred to as the “Client,” “you,” and “your”). Together, we are collectively referred to as the “Parties.”
CONTRACT. We highlight the Terms and Conditions of travel below, which form the basis of the contract with you, alongside all brochures, documents, correspondence, and our suppliers' terms and conditions. Before booking with us, you must ensure you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions, asking any questions if needed. Be aware that these terms and conditions contain liability waivers, as well as class action waiver and venue selection clauses. By requesting us to confirm your booking, you accept and acknowledge that you have read the Terms of this Contract and agree with them.
CHANGES TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at our discretion. Upon making changes, we will notify you via the email address provided during booking. The current Terms will apply to your booking. Therefore, you must be familiar with the terms in effect when you book. Your continued use of our services, including maintaining bookings after being notified of changes to the Terms and Conditions, constitutes your consent to the changes.
The Advisor is a company with expertise in designing, planning, and booking customized travel experiences.
The Client wishes to engage the Advisor according to the Service Agreement outlined in this document.
In consideration of the mutual promises and obligations in this Service Agreement, the Parties agree as follows:
1.1 Scope of Services. We agree to design a series of travel experiences for you.
1.2 Travel Experiences. Travel Experiences are defined as the individual planned events, outings, reservations, or other plans included in the Services.
1.3 Relationship Between Parties. You understand and agree that we are not being hired as your employee and that this Service Agreement does not create any kind of employment relationship. Our relationship to you is that of an independent contractor.
You understand and agree that you are hiring us to act as your agent for the specified purpose of performing Services. This limited purpose includes our action as your agent in circumstances such as acquiring transportation, hotel accommodations, sightseeing, and other related services for your benefit. You understand that performance of Services may require us to enter into agreements and pay deposits or costs upfront in order to secure such services for your benefit and you hereby delegate authorization and signature authority to us to enter into such agreements and charge your credit card according to the terms of this Service Agreement. We will make all reasonable efforts to inform you in writing prior to acting as your agent of the transaction’s nature and our planned action.
We all agree to do our best to show each other respect and foster an authentic and communicative environment based on flexibility, transparency, empathy, and equality.
1.4 Notice. All correspondence or notice required regarding Services will be made to the Parties via email. If to us, official notices concerning the Service Agreement should be sent to frontdesk@AceraTravel.com, and if to you, official notices concerning the Service Agreement should be sent to the email address you provide to us. Should your email address, billing information, or contact information change at any time throughout the performance of the Services, it is your responsibility to provide your updated information to us within three (3) business days of any change.
1.5 Client Responsibility. Your participation is the one vital element to the overall success of the Services. Particularly at the beginning of our performance of Services, prompt communication between all of us will be crucial to designing the best travel experience that we can for you.
You understand that clear communication regarding your budget is essential. We will do our best to work within your budget and accommodate your wishes; we will also do our best to let you know what is realistic and to offer options whenever possible.
You understand and agree that, while we do our best to be flexible and to design experiences truly tailored to your preferences, we work best when we can plan your travel over the full term of this Service Agreement. You understand that this is for a variety of reasons: we understand you and your needs better with more time, and there are often more choices and better rates when we can plan early. You agree that any emergency or change in plans does not result in an emergency on our end. You agree to pay any third-party fees that change as a result of your change of plans. You also agree to pay any rush fees that we reasonably determine are necessary to accommodate your change of plans (see Section 2.1 for more information).
You understand that travel documentation appropriate for entry to your itinerary destinations, such as passports, visas, & inoculation certificates, remain each traveler's responsibility. It is each traveler's responsibility to make certain that they have proper immunizations and vaccinations before travel - please see your healthcare provider for advice. Travelers who do not meet advised requirements may be denied boarding. Valid passports are required for all international destinations. If a passport is required for travel, the expiration date must be at least six (6) months following the return date of the planned travel. Each foreign country holds different views of past criminal offenses - if you have a past or current offense, please contact that country directly for entry and exit requirements. Travelers with DWI or DUI records should check whether current rules exclude admission to foreign destinations; in particular, Mexico and Canada have strict rules regarding past criminal offenses. For further information, please visit the U.S. Department of State's website: travel.state.gov.
You understand and agree that travel to certain destinations may involve greater risk than others. Advisor urges Client to remain informed daily as to current news, as well as to review travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements, and advisories issued by the United States Government prior to booking travel to international destinations. Information on conditions in various countries and the level of risk associated with travel to destinations can be found at http://www.state.gov and http://www.cdc.gov. In addition, you should consult with government websites to ensure that you are following all requirements for admittance into that country, including COVID-19 requirements, as well as understanding local laws that govern travel within a country, such as medical tests and tracking. Should you choose to travel to a country that has been issued a travel warning or advisory, Advisor will not be liable for damages or losses that result from travel to such destinations.
Bookings do not include airfare and you must not make any air reservation until you receive confirmation of your booking. Your contract for airfare is with the carrier and subject to its terms, and we will not be liable for any change fees or cancellation fees or other additional costs you incur with the air carrier.
It is strongly recommended that you check-in at the airport a minimum of two (2) hours prior to scheduled departure for domestic flights and three (3) hours prior to scheduled departure for international flights. It is the traveler's responsibility to reconfirm flight times at least 24-72 hours prior to scheduled departure. Recommended check-in times are subject to change without notification. It is the traveler's responsibility to remain abreast of changes in condition or airport rules that might require earlier arrival times. This information can be found when entering your confirmation number on the airline website. Acera Travel will not assume responsibility for any air or schedule changes. Certain countries require departure taxes that require payment in cash.
1.6 Groups of Travelers or Other Travelers. You understand and agree that, as the Client who entered into this Service Agreement, you will be responsible for upholding all of the Client obligations or responsibilities described in this Service Agreement, including the obligation to pay all fees for Services and other costs associated with arranging Travel Experiences. You are also responsible for ensuring that all members of your party read the Service Agreement and agree with it. We will not be liable for a group leader’s failure to share these Terms and Conditions with all travelers in their group.
Where you are obtaining Services for your own personal or leisure travel and your immediate family members, such as a spouse and/or minor children, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to act on behalf of such immediate family members with respect to the Services.
Where you are obtaining personal or leisure travel Services for others who are not your spouse or minor children (i.e., children who are the age of majority, parents, siblings and their families, friends, or others) (“Other Travelers”), you represent and warrant that you have the authority to act on behalf of such Other Travelers and understand that the Other Travelers may be required to sign a waiver and release with regard to the Services rendered by Advisor. Where you are obtaining Services for a group of people, you should be honest and upfront with those within the group, particularly regarding financial issues and limitations. Acera Travel is not responsible for any division of fees and costs among Other Travelers and, unless otherwise stated in writing, you shall remain solely responsible to Acera Travel for all fees and costs.
Where Client is a business or organization (“Company”) and Acera Travel is rendering corporate travel Services to the Company, Client understands and agrees that Acera Travel is engaged solely for travel Services within the scope of Company’s business. Any personal or leisure travel Services required or desired of any Company personnel shall be the subject to a separate Travel Consulting Service Agreement between Advisor and person requiring travel Services. Likewise, if Client is an individual desiring to engage Advisor to render corporate travel Services to a Company, the Company and Advisor shall enter into a separate Travel Consulting Service Agreement for such Services. Company Client understands and agrees that Company personnel for which Advisor provides Services hereunder shall be subject to the provisions of this Service Agreement.
1.7 Number of Travelers (Annual Retainer Clients). If you have communicated a desire to hire us on an annual basis, your agreement covers the number of persons in your household or immediate family (you, your significant other, children, and grandchildren). That is, for each trip, you may have the same number of travelers as in your household or immediate family, regardless of who the travelers are or their relationship to you. Any additional travelers will incur an additional planning fee of $350 per cabin or room in the case of cruises or all-inclusive resorts, or $50.00 per person, per night for all other types of travel.
1.8 Corporate Incentive Groups and Destination Weddings. Rates for corporate incentive groups and destination weddings will be negotiated separately and depend on the size of the group and scope of the trip. We will not accept bookings for corporate incentive trips or destination weddings unless you agree to include us in the site selection process.
1.9 Exclusions. The following types of travel and services are not included as part of this agreement: Disney-related travel, except for Disney Cruise Lines; trips involving accommodation booked with loyalty points or airline miles; trips involving accommodations booked through Airbnb or VRBO. We reserve the right to decline to handle a booking if we don’t feel it meets the level of quality we aspire to bring to our clients.
1.10 Flights. We will work with you to determine the best flights to match your schedule and itinerary, but we do not book flights directly unless part of a packaged itinerary.
1.11 Timeliness. We work diligently to get draft proposals in front of you in a timely fashion; time is often of the essence in retaining availability and pricing. You agree to return your comments and revisions to us within three business days of receiving our proposal.
By entering into this Service Agreement, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and accept them in their entirety. These Terms and Conditions, along with any brochures, documents, correspondence, and supplier terms, form the basis of the contract between you and Acera Travel. You also acknowledge that these Terms and Conditions include waivers of liability as well as waiver of class action and venue selection and notice clauses.
2.1 Planning Fee. The fee for Services under this Service Agreement depends on the scope and complexity of the planned Travel, with the specific amount to be discussed during the initial consultation call. Our Planning Fee is non-refundable, even if you choose not to book with us or your reservation gets canceled. The Planning Fee does not cover the cost of any travel arrangements, such as airfare, hotel bookings, tour operator fees, or other expenses related to booking your Travel Experiences with airlines, hotels, tour operators, or other suppliers. You must provide us with a signed authorization form, allowing us to purchase on your behalf and charge your credit card or another authorized payment method. For expenses below one-hundred U.S. dollars ($100.00 USD) per transaction, you grant us authorization to purchase on your behalf using your credit card or another authorized payment method without express written authorization, as long as the arrangement and transaction have been previously discussed with you and later confirmed in writing by us. If plans change and we agree to accommodate you, you may be subject to a rush fee, which we may charge at our discretion based on the time allowed for planning. We will clearly communicate the fee and update this Service Agreement accordingly.
2.2 Client’s Payment Responsibilities. Payments can be made using credit or debit cards or checks. Payment is due by the invoice's due date. Failure to make timely payments will result in Services being placed on hold or potential cancellation of your travel, which would be considered a cancellation by you and subject to cancellation terms and fees as described below.
2.3 Refunds. Our aim is to provide you with a satisfying travel experience. We've put significant effort into reviewing and vetting travel components to plan the best possible travel experience for you. If you terminate outside the agreed-upon termination methods (see Section 3.2 for more information), you remain responsible for making any outstanding payments. You acknowledge that travel component prices may decrease after purchase. We will attempt to obtain a price match where possible, but no refunds will be provided. The Planning Fee is also non-refundable. As our prices are based on contract rates, there will be no refund for any unused portion of a travel booking. If you cancel during your trip, there is no refund for the unused portion.
2.4 Chargebacks. Acera Travel facilitates the sale of travel Services and provides payment to third-party Suppliers. You agree not to dispute credit card charges made on your behalf by Acera Travel. Advisor reserves the right to dispute any improper chargeback and recover any costs, including attorney’s fees related to improper chargebacks.
2.5 Trip Cancellation. If you need to cancel travel after the final payment, you agree to pay a cancellation fee equal to 10% of the cost of all canceled trip components. Cancellation of trip components will not be initiated until the cancellation fee is received by Acera Travel. Each supplier has its cancellation policy, which applies to your booking. Upon receipt of your cancellation request, we will contact the suppliers to determine any applicable refunds, subject to their terms and conditions. Refunds are the responsibility of the supplier, not Advisor. Suppliers may offer travel vouchers or credits instead of refunds. We are not responsible for a supplier’s failure to pay a refund or for supplier bankruptcy or insolvency.
2.6 Changes and Cancellation by the Supplier. We will notify you as soon as reasonably possible if a Supplier needs to make a significant change to your confirmed booking or cancel it. We will also act as a liaison between you and the Supplier concerning any alternative arrangements offered by the Supplier, but we will have no further liability to you. If circumstances require changes between planning time and/or during actual travel, Advisor and its suppliers reserve the right to cancel or modify any itinerary and substitute components of any tour, including but not limited to hotels and accommodations of comparable quality, if factors such as air schedule or surface transportation charges, security matters, or other events necessitate such alterations. Suppliers may substitute transportation equipment based on various factors, including passenger volume on a tour. During local or national holidays, special events, peak seasons, specific days of the week, or religious occasions, certain facilities like museums, churches, restaurants, sightseeing tours, hotels, and shopping may have limited availability or be closed. Alternatives will be offered whenever possible. Advisor cannot be held responsible for any closures, necessary itinerary changes, or curtailments for any reason. These changes will not be deemed material changes and will not be considered grounds for cancellation by the traveler. Normal cancellation penalties still apply to the tour that has been changed.
3.1 Duration. This Service Agreement commences on the Effective Date and will last until travel is completed (the "Duration").
3.2 Termination.
a) By Advisor. We reserve the right to terminate this Service Agreement, with or without cause, by providing thirty (30) days' written notice to you. In such cases, termination does not exempt you from fulfilling any outstanding payment obligations for which you are ineligible for refunds (as outlined in Section 2.4). You acknowledge that independently booking any travel components, excluding airfare, without prior consultation with us will be deemed a significant breach of contract and will result in immediate termination of the agreement without reimbursement of the Planning Fee.
b) By Client. You have the option to terminate this Service Agreement, with or without cause, by giving us thirty (30) days' written notice. In such cases, termination does not exempt you from fulfilling any outstanding payment obligations for which you are ineligible for refunds (as outlined in Section 2.4).
i. If deposits for trip components have already been made, the Planning Fee is non-refundable. If trip components have not yet been booked, your Planning Fee may be applied as credit towards future travel planning.
4.1 Disclaimer. The Advisor, along with its employees, members, agents, and representatives, employs third-party providers to organize tours, transportation, sightseeing, accommodations, and all other tour-related services. The Advisor operates as an independent contractor and does not serve as an employee, agent, or representative for any of these providers. The Advisor neither owns, manages, operates, oversees, nor controls any transportation, vehicles, airplanes, hotels, or restaurants, or any other entities providing services linked to your tour. All providers function as independent contractors and are not agents, employees, or representatives of the Advisor. All tickets, receipts, coupons, and vouchers are subject to each provider's terms and conditions, and by accepting or utilizing these services, all travelers agree that neither the Advisor nor its employees, agents, or representatives can be held liable for any loss, injury, or damage to any tour participant or their belongings, or for any other consequences in connection with any service provided or not provided, resulting directly or indirectly from any event beyond the Advisor's control. The Advisor assumes no responsibility or liability for any delays, schedule changes, loss, injury, or damage, or any traveler's loss that may arise from the actions or omissions of others; the Advisor assumes no responsibility or liability for personal property; and the Advisor is relieved of any obligations under these terms and conditions in the event of a strike, labor dispute, act of God, government action, fire, war (declared or undeclared), terrorism, insurrection, riot, theft, pilferage, epidemic, pandemic, illness, injury, quarantine, medical or customs or immigration regulations, delay, or cancellation. The Advisor takes no responsibility for lost or stolen items. The Advisor reserves the right to reject any traveler or prospective traveler at its sole discretion.
4.2 Risk Assumption/Waiver. The Client acknowledges that traveling to destinations involved in this trip may come with inherent risks, some in remote areas of the world. Inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the risk of injury or death from: motor vehicle accidents, encounters with animals, roadway hazards, slips and falls, criminal or terrorist acts, government actions, alcohol consumption, contaminated food or water, exposure to the elements (including heat, cold, sun, water, and wind), negligence by the Client or others, including tour guides, other travelers, and the Advisor and its employees, members, agents, and/or representatives; insect, reptile, and/or animal attacks; accidents or illness in remote areas with no available medical services; fatigue, chills, overheating, and/or dizziness; known or unknown medical conditions, unanticipated physical exertion, or other accidents; negligence or insufficient training of third-party providers who attempt to provide medical or other assistance before or after injuries occur; accidents or illness without access to rapid evacuation or medical supplies or services; and the sufficiency of medical attention once provided.
The Client understands that the list of risks is not exhaustive and that unknown or unanticipated risks may result in injury, illness, or death. To participate in the excitement and enjoyment of this trip, the traveler is willing to accept the risks and uncertainties involved, including the risk of infection, illness, and death. The Client hereby accepts full responsibility for all risks of illness, injury, or death, and for the negligence of the Advisor and agrees to hold harmless and fully release the Advisor, its employees, members, agents, and assigns from any and all claims associated with the trip, including any claims of third-party negligence and/or the negligence of the Advisor. The traveler hereby agrees not to sue the Advisor for any such claims or join any lawsuit or action that is suing the Advisor. This agreement also binds your heirs, legal representatives, and assigns. The terms of this HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY paragraph shall survive any termination or cancellation of this Contract, whether by operation of law or otherwise.
4.3 COVID-19 Waiver. By booking a trip at this time, you acknowledge the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk for yourself and any minors traveling with you, that you or they may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by traveling and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death, even if such injuries or losses occur in a manner that is not foreseeable at the time you book your tour. You acknowledge that exposure to such viruses or diseases is an inherent risk of traveling that cannot be controlled or eliminated by the Advisor.
You acknowledge that due to the uncertainty of travel at this time, your trip may be postponed or canceled, or changes may be made to itineraries due to closures of certain sites or activities, for which there may be no refund. You may also be required to quarantine upon arrival in some locations. Some locations may require you to have a vaccination or proof of negative testing. Stopover countries' requirements will also apply. Upon your return home, additional testing, requirements, or documentation may be required. You are responsible for understanding these requirements and must not rely on the Advisor to provide these details. You understand that you may become sick before, during, or after travel and/or may not be able to travel, and such cancellation or interruption will be subject to our cancellation terms, for which we will not be liable.
You agree that due to uncertainty caused by COVID-19, the Advisor has strongly encouraged the purchase of travel protection coverage, including cancel-for-any-reason coverage if and when available, and that should you fail to purchase travel protection coverage, the Advisor shall not be liable for any losses arising.
You, for yourself and any minors traveling with you, and on behalf of your and their heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and next of kin (The Releasors), HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Acera Travel, LLC, its employees, members, agents, assigns, and suppliers (RELEASEES) from any and all claims, damages, demands, losses, and liability arising out of or related in any way, in whole or in part, to any POSTPONEMENT, CANCELLATION, CHANGES, INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or ANY OTHER LOSS you may suffer due to exposure, infection, spread, closure, and travel restrictions related to COVID-19, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law. The terms of this HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY paragraph shall survive any termination or cancellation of this Contract, whether by operation of law or otherwise.
4.4 Client Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant to us as follows:
You have the authority to enter into and perform the obligations under this Service Agreement, even if you are the sole representative signing on behalf of a group.
You have or will obtain all necessary permissions, rights, and licenses to grant us the use of any permissions, rights, licenses, and materials necessary to perform Services.
4.5 Indemnification. Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend us, our affiliates, and our respective officers, directors, agents, employees, independent contractors, successors, and permitted assigns from any and all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damage, lawsuits, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, including attorneys' fees and costs incurred by us ("Losses"), arising out of or relating to a claim by any third-party claim involving: (a) breach of any of your representations, warranties, or covenants contained in this Service Agreement; (b) failure by any traveler under this Service Agreement to comply with any applicable federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or codes; (c) any claims arising out of a traveler's participation in the travel or Travel Experiences arranged and Services rendered under this Service Agreement. We shall give prompt written notice to you (a "Claim Notice") after obtaining knowledge of any Losses or discovery of facts on which we intend to base a request for indemnification and provide you with reasonable cooperation and assistance as you may request in the defense of such suit. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, we may select our own legal counsel to represent our interests, and you shall: (a) reimburse us for our costs and attorneys' fees immediately upon request as they are incurred; and (b) remain responsible to us for any Losses indemnified.
4.6 Traveler Behavior. Each traveler is expected to act responsibly and adhere to all behavior guidelines established by the Advisor and our local suppliers. Our local suppliers reserve the right to remove you from any trip if you endanger yourself or others or disrupt others. In any such case, there will be no refund.
4.7 Limitation of Advisor’s Liability. You agree to the following:
In no event will we be liable to you or to any third party for any loss of use, revenue, or profit, or for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect, exemplary, or punitive losses, costs, damages, or expenses (“Damages”), regardless of whether the Damages were foreseeable and regardless of whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such Damages, and notwithstanding the failure of any agreed or other remedy of its essential purpose.
Our total liability under this Service Agreement for damages, costs, and expenses, regardless of cause, will not exceed the Planning Fee described in this Service Agreement.
We will not be liable for any claim or demand made against you, the Client, by any third party.
You will not hold us liable for actions made while acting as your agent.
4.8 Insurance. You understand that we recommend the addition of trip cancellation, trip interruption, and travel medical insurance for all travelers. If you, any travelers in your group, or Other Travelers decline to purchase trip cancellation and/or travel insurance, you agree to sign a waiver to that effect prior to receiving any of your final travel documentation. You also understand and agree that we are not insurance agents and, if you do elect to purchase trip cancellation and/or travel accident insurance referred to you by us or independently acquired by you, travelers in your group, or Other Travelers, it is not our responsibility but the traveler’s sole responsibility to understand those travel insurance policy benefits, limitations, and restrictions and that any travel insurance policy is an Agreement solely between the traveler and the traveler’s insurance company. You understand that travel insurance premium costs can sometimes range from between 5-10% of the total trip cost and that you should factor that into your budget.
4.9 Pre-Existing Medical Conditions/Persons with Disabilities. It is essential that you advise us before booking if you do have any disability or pre-existing medical condition which may affect your travel, or if you have any special requirements as a result of any disability or medical condition (including any which affect the booking process) so that we can assist you in considering the suitability of the arrangements and/or in making the booking. Advisor will communicate requests to Suppliers, but cannot be responsible if ADA accommodations are not available. Any accommodations provided will be at the sole
expense of the traveler requiring the accommodation. Please note that if any traveler cannot be accommodated to the Supplier's satisfaction, the traveler may be refused participation, and we will not be responsible, nor shall we be required to provide any refund, compensation, or any additional costs incurred by any traveler due to such refusal. In any such situation, our liability is limited to the Planning Fee as described in this Service Agreement.
4.10 Passports, Visas, and Health Requirements. It is the responsibility of each traveler to ensure they have a valid passport (with at least six months' validity beyond the date of completion of travel) and any necessary visas, vaccinations, and health certificates. We are not responsible for providing specific passport and visa information or documentation or for any fees associated with obtaining these items. We cannot accept any liability if you or any member of your party is refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry correct documentation or to comply with any health formalities.
4.11 Force Majeure. We will not be liable for any delay, cancellation, or failure to perform our obligations under this Service Agreement to the extent that such delay, cancellation, or failure to perform is caused by an event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster, act of God, labor controversy or threat thereof, civil disturbance or commotion, disruption of the public markets, war or armed conflict or the inability to obtain sufficient material, supplies, labor, transportation, power or other essential commodity or service required in the conduct of our business, including internet service, or by reason of any law, regulation, or other action adopted or taken by any governmental, federal, state, or local government authority, or any other cause which is beyond our reasonable control (each a “Force Majeure event”).
5.1 Termination. This Service Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time, for any reason, by providing written notice to the other party. Upon termination, any unpaid fees or other amounts due under this Service Agreement shall become immediately due and payable.
5.2 Effect of Termination. Upon termination of this Service Agreement, all rights and obligations under this Service Agreement shall cease, except that any provisions that by their nature should survive termination (including, without limitation, the indemnification, limitation of liability, and governing law provisions) shall survive termination of this Service Agreement.
6.1 Governing Law. This Service Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Nevada, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions.
6.2 Dispute Resolution. Any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to this Service Agreement, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, shall be determined by arbitration. The arbitration shall be administered by a recognized arbitration organization mutually agreed upon by the parties. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
6.3 Severability. If any provision of this Service Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Service Agreement shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect.
6.4 Entire Agreement. This Service Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings, whether oral or written. This Service Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by both parties.
5.1 Governing Law, Jurisdiction, Class Action Waiver, and Notice of Claim. This Service Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia, irrespective of conflict of law principles. All claims must be brought in a court with competent jurisdiction located in Clark County, Nevada. You agree to only bring claims against Advisor individually and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action or representative proceeding. You understand and agree that no claims will be considered, and you will not initiate legal action against Advisor unless you first provide a typed notice of claim to Advisor within 30 days following the trip or cancellation of the trip.
5.2 Entire Agreement, Amendments, and Headings. This Service Agreement, along with the terms and conditions of our Suppliers and any other documents we provide you, constitutes the complete Service Agreement between the Parties concerning their relationship and supersedes all previous oral or written agreements, understandings, and representations, insofar as they pertain to the subject matter of this Service Agreement. The headings of Sections in this Service Agreement are for convenience only and will not impact its interpretation or construction.
5.3 Severability. If any provision of this Service Agreement becomes invalid, illegal, or unenforceable under applicable law, the remaining provisions of this Service Agreement will remain unaffected and continue in full force and effect.
5.4 Waiver. Our waiver or failure to exercise any right provided for in this Service Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any right under this Service Agreement.
5.5 Third-Party Relationships. We offer travel planning services to our clients, where the planned services are supplied by separate and independent suppliers. We do not own, operate, control, or otherwise provide the services performed by independent suppliers. You acknowledge that we serve only as your agent in obtaining services related to your travel and Travel Experiences, and we shall not be held responsible for any loss, accident, injury, delay, defect, omission, or irregularity that may occur, whether due to any act, negligence, or default of any company or individual engaged in or responsible for carrying out the Travel Experiences, or otherwise in connection therewith. We are not responsible for assisting with any recovery of Losses or Damages that you may incur as a result of services or conduct by these third-party suppliers or in the event of their insolvency or inability to provide the services as contracted.
5.6 Subcontracting. You acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to subcontract with third-party suppliers without obtaining your prior consent. Our third-party suppliers possess specialized knowledge to enhance your experience and ensure that you have on-the-ground support during your Travel Experiences. You also understand that, due to the confidential nature of pricing arrangements between local tour operators and suppliers, you may not receive an itemized list of costs for individual travel expenses when booked through such a third-party supplier.
5.7 Accommodation. All accommodation options on trips booked and serviced by us will be commissionable rates; we reserve the right to decline servicing trips booked by you with loyalty points. We encourage the use of loyalty points and miles for airfare.
5.8 Assignment. Neither Party may assign this Service Agreement without the express written consent of the other Party.
5.9 Force Majeure. If any cause beyond either Party's reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God, war, invasion, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared or not), curtailment or interruption of transportation facilities, threats or acts of terrorism, State Department travel advisory, national emergency, epidemic, pandemic, labor strike, or civil disturbance, renders it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible for either Party to fulfill its obligations under this Service Agreement, Advisor's performance will be extended without liability for the period of delay or inability to perform due to such occurrence. In the event of a force majeure event covered by this paragraph, Client agrees that Advisor shall not be liable to Client for any damages of any kind.
5.10 Electronic Signature and Acceptance. The signing of this Service Agreement via electronic means will bind both Parties to this Service Agreement. Electronic signatures will be considered legal and valid.